A Letter from our friend, Bentinho Massaro:

“My heart is touched and so very delighted seeing this creation by Cory and Romee called The Light Touch, and their new program:  The Living True Mentorship.

Check out their beautiful, radiant website and notice the vibration you get from just scrolling through their offering: thelighttouch.us/mentorship

I’ve worked with tens of thousands of people non-stop daily for about a quarter of a century in this field of transformation and awakening. Along the way, I’ve met many self-proclaimed “empowered women.” Many of whom claim spiritual embodiment and authenticity, strength and courage. Many of them had me fooled, too. Yet when it comes down to the greatest and only real challenge of them all: that of facing the self honestly, virtually all of them run and hide, or scream and shout. Fight or flight. No ownership. No courage. This trend or reaction is understandable—as all things are upon deep compassionate consideration of another’s experience—yet it is destructive and something to be transmuted and matured.

It’s easy to disappear, and it’s easy to shout out whatever distorted emotion you are recklessly and momentarily feeling—because of your own lack beliefs or refusal to see your blind spots—regardless of consequences to others, and call it being ‘authentic’ and ‘courageous’ just because you’re opening your mouth. Even if you’re breaking every sacred code of honor and sacrificing your own integrity to your soul in the process and causing unnecessary damage to other people’s lives. This collective will easily validate and praise distorted behavior as long as it is loud and claims victimization; regardless of truth.

Rarely have I met women in this spiritual circus that carry the staying power and honor that I have observed in Romee and Cory.  I can say this full heartedly because after years of spiritual “roasting,” uplifting, standing in the fire of truth daily, and journeying through all manners of the most complex and multi-dimensional challenges together, they are still by my side, they are still carriers of this mission for the benefit of all, and they are standing stronger within their own true power and alignment with every passing week.

Over the years, I have personally witnessed them go through multiple (many) cycles of having to face themselves more deeply than they even knew they had existing layers, and I have seen them stay with it, not project (too much or for too long, or at least without fully believing in their projections and not making up justifications for them) onto anybody around them, and stay present with themselves doing the work in a pure fashion. They haven’t always had it easy, and they’ve gone through many peaks and valleys in their self-work. Yet they have stayed true to the bigger picture.

This quality of desiring to be pure and having the staying power to follow through on this desire is one of the rarest qualities in (wo)man, and yet perhaps the only quality truly needed for successful transformation of self and a greater approximation by the individual of that true liberation and divinity within.

Courage—at least in this field of “life studying life itself”—comes only as a result of having great willingness (a pure desire) to face and surrender the self to a greater cause or truth consistently: Self-Realization and Service-to-Others.

If you desire purity of mind and heart—which is what true empowerment is—all shall come to you. It is as Jesus said: “Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven, and all else shall be added unto you.”

In our current global snowflake spiritual community, where we praise and equate running or shouting with ‘following our resonance’ or ‘being authentic and brave’ I am beyond delighted to know women such as Cory and Romee. People I am able to trust with my life, and rely on consistently. I know they would never let me down because they have become honorable beings.

People are scared. They are young. Humanity is in a perpetual spiritual toddlerhood, yet shouting out all kinds of ‘empowerment’ bumper sticker ideas and believing they have mastered something just because they read it in a book, had an insight during a mushroom trip, or because they coached someone else on the topic and were able to articulate it well.

Temporarily alleviating our own pain by shouting, running or manipulating the outside world can seem empowering for a moment, but it lacks honor, does not consider the well-being of all, and further postpones true healing. It lacks everything that matters to the soul.

And that’s OK, but this general immaturity, lack of staying power and true understanding is blocking people’s own potential and its auric effects are destructive to this beautiful planet that’s already crying out for love, harmony and healing.

I love the feminine. I am deeply passionate about a global resurrection of true feminine energy. I think its hidden power can rebalance this planet within a single generation or less; but not in the way we’re collectively going about women’s empowerment these days. It is more destructive than healing. It is painful to see the feminine shoot itself in the foot, not seeing what it’s doing. Cory and Romee bring true education that women need today. Call me a mansplainer if you wish. Try it for yourself and see the results speak for themselves.

If you are ready to be truly brave, to become a woman instead of a teenage girl who likes to think they are a woman and refuses to look at the distortions; if you are ready to meet the realest divinity and authenticity within you that is of an undistorted nature, and in so doing become a true shepherd of love on this planet, then please do yourselves a favor ladies, and consider this women-specific program by these two incredible women. You will not be disappointed.

They will help you see through the quagmire of misguided trends both internal and collective, so you can avoid becoming a runner or a shouter and lose your integrity in the process, thinking you’re being brave or following your resonance. They will help you anchor yourself in a clarity and inner divinity that is probably beyond your current comprehension.

Having seen and also personally suffered plenty of the effects on the purity of the work projected by distorted/scared feminine children posing as authentic, strong and mature spiritual females, I truly believe that we need more women in this world like Cory and Romee.

We need people upon whom future generations and the healing of this planet can actually rely. People in whose shelter all that which is pure, sacred and important is truly safe and can be taken to its next level for the benefit of all; not just the temporary gratification of the little hurting self.

We need people who are in it not just for themselves, can see beyond the ups and downs of their own cycles, and are willing to sacrifice their self-image and surrender their insecurities to the feet of God, the fire of truth, and as such serve the holistic, indivisible nature of life’s underlying oneness.

This is not hyperbole. Having wandered around and observed keenly the harsh and arid desert of severely distorted ‘women’s empowerment’ trends that have zero to do with empowerment and are all about self-gratification at the expense of the whole; I mean every word I just wrote about the authenticity of these two beings and the quality of work they can offer this world being leagues beyond what you will find in most hyped up empowerment circles—or any kind of circle for that matter—on this planet today.

Highly, entirely recommended—with all my heart and experience. I wish their Light Touches the whole collective. I know someday it will.

Check out The Living True Mentorship, by The Light Touch. 


Love and gratitude,
